7th Inning Stretch - How To Clear and Balance Your Seven Chakra System

Before we more deeply explore the rest of the 7 Major Chakras in our Chakra Blog Series, let’s explore how we can effectively clear and balance our Seven Chakra System. Here we go!

Ever feel bogged down by emotions, physical discomfort, pain, or restless thoughts?

We live in a fast-paced world where we sometimes feel out of sorts in some way. These are signs to slow down, assess your life, and heal. While spiritual healing and cleansing aren’t substitutes for traditional science, the benefits they offer are worth exploring.

You’ve probably heard words like “chakras” and “third eye” and wondered what they have to do with the human body. Chakras is a Sanskrit word that means wheel, disk, or a circle arrangement. The chakra system dates back to 1500 BC to 500 BC in India. It was first referenced in the Vedas (sacred Hindu scripture), which revealed the existence of about 88,000 chakras, however, for our purposes, we are working with the 7 chakra system that resides in the main channel of the body.

Chakras are where prana (in yogic texts) or energy resides. Each of the 7 seven chakras are associated with an important part of the body. This article sheds light on the nuances of balancing the seven chakras for times when you feel emotionally, psychologically, or physically displaced.

What Are Chakras?

Think of each chakra as a sphere of energy that begins from the tailbone and rises to the top of the head (through an energy pathway called the sushumna nadi). Every chakra is linked to a specific shape, color, organ, element, mantra (a monosyllabic prayer that is often chanted during meditative sessions), and deity.

Chakras signify the movement of psychophysical energy into spiritual energy. Each chakra’s energy is projected through our personality and emotions. According to Vedic philosophy, when the chakras are limited or excessive, the imbalance can influence our actions, words, and thoughts.

Practiced professionals who engage in yoga, meditation, and ayurvedic practices often rely on a medium to encourage the flow of healing energy. Mantras, crystals, Tibetan singing bowls, and herbaceous blends are just some of the items used to center the mind, body, and spirit through energy-inducing mediums.

How to Clear and Balance the Seven Chakras

The seven chakras govern the physical, psychological and spiritual aspects of the mind and body. There will be moments when healing energy is diminished or in excess. You’ll notice their effects don’t go away easily.

For example, a chronic cough, pain, or ailment takes time to leave the body even with medication. Sometimes tuning out the physical world and tuning into our spiritual selves can hold the answers to our most pressing and persistent concerns.

Take a look at the tables below for an idea of how to clear and balance your seven chakra system:




Root chakra (Muladhara)



What is it?

Signs of imbalance

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine or tailbone.

Behavior: Controlling, quick-tempered, and self-conscious

Physical aspects: Problems with the feet, rectum, immune system, tailbone, and legs

What to do (a few times a week)

  1. Sit in a quiet spot and prepare to meditate. Simply close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and envision the color red moving from the base of your spine towards your legs and feet.
  2. Walk barefoot on grass to feel connected to the earth. Close your eyes and focus on each step.
  3. Get a foot massage or pedicure to pamper your physical self and strengthen your root chakra.




Sacral chakra (Swadhisthana)



What is it?

Signs of imbalance

The sacral chakra is located at the base of the navel or stomach.

Behavior: Loss of creativity, fear, depression, disinterest in sexual activity, and feeling emotionally unhinged

Physical aspects: Problems in the kidneys, urinary system, reproductive system, hips, pelvic region, and lower back

What to do (a few times a week)

  1. Fill up on orange foods such as citrus fruits, nuts, seeds, carrots, and sweet potatoes because they can help clear and rebalance the sacral chakra. Also, consume fermented food to cleanse the gut.
  2. Indulge in moments of stillness by sitting cross-legged in a comfortable spot. Take in the sensations, sights, and smells of the things around you. You can do this in your favorite room, at the beach, or in the park.
  3. Lie down flat on a yoga mat and place a carnelian gemstone on your stomach. For the next 11 minutes, picture a healing orange light filling up your sacral chakra.




Solar plexus chakra (Manipura)



What is it?

Signs of imbalance

The solar plexus chakra is located in the abdomen.

Behavior: Self-criticism and fear of rejection

Physical aspects: Issues with the digestive system, gallbladder and pancreas, and chronic fatigue

What to do (a few times a week)

  1. Assume a plank position on the floor and clench your stomach muscles. Set a timer for 90 seconds. Make sure to take steady breaths while you hold the pose. When the timer goes off, push yourself to do another 10 seconds. This practice will help you push yourself in real-life scenarios. Set the timer for slightly longer (and continue to push for another 10 seconds) every week until you can comfortably hold the plank position longer.
  2. Identify the things about yourself that you tend to judge harshly. Gradually accept how your perceived imperfections stem from childhood or societal conditioning and unrealistic standards. Try to consciously act from a place of love and compassion towards yourself (for example, it’s okay to skip a day at the gym or sleep in and not wake up early). Eventually, you will learn to embrace and rise above the rigid expectations you set for yourself.




Heart chakra (Anahata)



What is it?

Signs of imbalance

The heart chakra is located close to the chest.

Behavior: Jealousy, fear of being alone, bitterness, and suffocating attachments

Physical aspects: Arm and wrist pain, shoulder and upper back discomfort or problems, and asthma

What to do (a few times a week)

  1. Loving others is one thing, but loving yourself is a whole different ball game. Practice self-love by assuming a meditative pose in a quiet spot. Meditate on affirmations like “I am worthy of love,” “I deserve to feel joy,” and “I am happy with who I am.” Think of those you love or are in conflict with and speak similar kind words like “I wish them happiness,” “I hope they find love,” and “I wish them peace and comfort.”
  2. Volunteer for a charity that encourages you to be of service to the less fortunate. It will help you extend love to strangers as you discover your capability for love, which can strengthen your heart chakra.




Throat chakra (Vishuddha)



What is it?

Signs of imbalance

The throat chakra is located close to the throat.

Behavior: Fear of losing control and an inability to express one’s self

Physical aspects: Ear infections, thyroid gland issues, pain in the neck and shoulders, and sore throat/infections

What to do (a few times a week)

  1. Communicate openly with those you interact with by avoiding words such as “can’t,” “haven’t,” “won’t,” and “unable.” Replace these with words with “I will try,” “I am willing,” “I am open,” and “I am learning to.” Using limiting or negative words will dull your endeavors and keep you from achieving your goals and overcoming obstacles.
  2. Assume a meditative pose and recite the words “Sat Nam,” which means “I am truth” in the ancient language of Gurmukhi. Say the words out loud between deep breaths. Meditate on the words as a reminder of your worth and journey to self-healing.




Third-eye chakra (Ajna)



What is it?

Signs of imbalance

The third-eye chakra is located in the center of the forehead.

Behavior: Stubbornness, cynicism, pessimism, confusion, and mood swings

Physical aspects: Eye strain, headaches, blurry vision, and sinus-related issues

What to do (a few times a week)

  1. Explore a range of emotions associated with memories. Think of a sad memory and allow yourself to cry. Similarly, think of a funny memory and laugh out loud. As you experience the weight of each memory’s emotion, express it wholeheartedly. Sit with the emotions for a few seconds and then switch to a new memory. Doing this often will help us see the beauty of good moments over ones that bring pain.
  2. Maintain a dream journal. Keep it close to your bedside so it’s the first thing you look at in the morning. It will help you develop a deep connection with your unconscious self as you explore the emotions and situations you experience in dreams.




Crown chakra (Samsara or Sahasrara)

Pure spirit

Purple or white

What is it?

Signs of imbalance

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head.

Behavior: Fear of alienation, rigid thoughts/beliefs, and lack of empathy

Physical aspects: Night terrors, light sensitivity, migraines, mental fogginess, and neurological illnesses

What to do (a few times a week)

  1. Connect with nature to appreciate the little pleasures of life. Do this by enjoying a cool breeze or burying your feet in the sand. Take time off to reflect, meditate, and be one with nature as your crown chakra recharges.
  2. Get inspired by joining a community, group, or program with others who share similar interests or goals. Surround yourself with people who elevate your life and cheer you on as you become a better version of yourself.

Balancing and clearing your chakras will take time and practice and you’ll feel better as the days go by. Dedicate time to evaluate and heal from negative or limiting feelings, emotions, and thoughts that throw your body, mind, and spirit out of balance. Before you know it, you will find peace and comfort within the healing energies of your chakras in the most surprising and delightful ways.

With Love & Light!

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