The Secret to Manifesting Your Goals

“When you set an intention, The Universe conspires to give you the inspiration to make it happen.” — Trish McKinnley. The New Year is upon us, and it is a perfect time to look inward to connect...

The Enriching Benefits Of Trees

“When you know trees experience pain and have memories, and that tree parents live together with their children, then you can no longer chop them down and disrupt their lives with larger machines.” — Pete Wohlleben, author....

The Power Of Crystals

What Are Crystals? Crystals are the essence of life, manifesting within the Earth. The energy and forms of crystals can significantly benefit your personal and spiritual growth. The blossoms of the mineralogical portion of the...

How To Prepare For A Mindful Holiday

“When you’re feeling frazzled, put all of your attention on the breath. It’s a portal into the present moment, the best remedy for stress.”— Ellen Barrett The holiday season is a joyous time with festive decorations,...

Water — A Conscious Being

“If we consider that the human body is a universe within itself, it is only natural to conclude that we carry within us all the elements.” — Dr. Masaru Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water. Water is...

The Power of I AM

“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind.” - Buddha Today, I am releasing all of my...

Crown Chakra: The Bee Girl

The Crown Chakra is the final of the seven main chakras in our body. Located at the top of the head, the Sanskrit word for the Crown Chakra is "Sahasrara," which translates to "a thousand-petaled"...

Third Eye Chakra: Child Mind Institute

The Third Eye Chakra is the sixth chakra and is associated with intuition and connecting with your higher self. The idea of your sixth sense stems from the Third Eye chakra. Sometimes referred to as...

Throat Chakra: Women’s Global Empowerment Fund

The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra and is the body’s communication hub. The Throat Chakra is where you speak your truth, find your voice, and express how you feel vocally. Your Throat Chakra is...